Navigating the Grocery Store

This blog expounds on my free infographic called Navigating the Grocery Store. Get your copy here: Navigating the Grocery Store

I know, I know. I grew up in the 70s and 80s and I, too, have seen so much conflicting information on food. It is difficult to find food these days that fits the criteria of “real food”. Even at local food coops. You’ve got this. The quality of your life depends on it. 

Another new food fad?

Actually just getting back to what our ancestors ate – minus chemicals added in recent decades.

Why do I have to put so much thought into what I eat?

So you can feel vibrant and healthy at any age. So your healthspan is longer.  

What is wrong with the foods I ate growing up?

They have been making your family sick and making those in power profit. 

This all takes so much time and money!

Would you rather spend your time and money grocery shopping and cooking or at the pharmacy and doctor? 

Why is it so difficult to find real food?

The food industry, big pharma, and the American medical system are all in cahoots to make money, keep us sick and in their control. 

Why is the organic label important?

The organic food label is the only one that has to meet strict guidelines by the USDA.

What do the labels that say Natural or GMO free mean?

They are a marketing gimmick and can legally be put on without proof. 

This is a tough one. Do you have a local dairy? Food cooperative? Get as close as you can to these suggestions. Be very careful of what is in other milks though and especially coffee creamers! They are loaded with junk! Why do I say full-fat? Fat is not the enemy as we were told. Keeps you full longer and our body needs fat. For more information look here:  Speaking of dairy – real butter is okay in moderation but aim for grass-fed or ghee. 

Foods that are not organic are sprayed with chemicals that preserve shelf life, make transport easier, and make us sick. Shiny, perfect fruit is a gimmick. Fruit grown in organic soil has more nutrients & minerals, and less pesticide residue than fruit grown commercially. Soak in a 1:4 vinegar to water ratio, or 1 tsp. baking soda to two cups water solution for 12-15 minutes and rinse well before eating. Do not assume that the food at a farmer’s market is organic.

Be careful of misleading labels. Yes, you will most likely need to stir when you get home and refrigerate it. I use this handy tool to help stir. Lervont Natural Peanut Butter Stirrer Look for the same things with other nut butters. Organic is best.

I have had so many inner tantrums about bread. I miss it! Bread was such a staple growing up – and I believe is still possible in moderation- depending on what kind. The more I find out about the glyphosates and other chemicals sprayed on most of our crops the more I am convinced most of the flour and bread we see is poison. When I first heard of people going gluten free I thought it was a bunch of baloney. Now I know that avoiding gluten is helping us avoid the chemicals. I have been experimenting with ancient grains and gluten free flour (still mostly filler in my book) with mixed reviews. 

A couple decades ago I would eat a hamburger and get a gut ache – convinced it was because of the meat (could have been that too). I do not have a problem eating a high-octane* burger now and again. When I do, I try to make my bun, have it bunless, or at least get it gluten free.  And of course I am diligent about the sauces and condiments I use – avoiding sugars and seed oils. 
*high-octane is the nickname we use in my family to denote real foods that are healing (get it – like when we put high-octane fuel in our vehicles?)
Choose bacon, beef jerky, and other cured meats sparingly. Even those cured with celery juice powder generate nitrates – which will make you sick and tired. And read the labels. I have to remind myself to do this continually. Recently on a road trip I needed to buy meat for my dog (the story of my dog and his healing food journey will be on another blog). I bought this chicken and didn’t read the label. When I figured it out I was so angry! So much more than chicken in the package – and so many chemicals 😠

Eggs have been a big topic Winter 2022-23. One thing I found interesting is that the prices at my local food coop were even less than conventional eggs during this time 🧐. If you can – try to find a person that raises chickens and sells you their eggs. Chickens are meant to eat what they find on the ground. Bugs, worms, ticks, plants, protein. They are not meant to eat corn and feed. Eggs from chickens that graze on the ground are full of omega-3s, vitamins A, D, E, , B12, selenium, phosphorus, cobalamin, beta-carotene,and all 9 essential amino acids.Take a look at the color of the yolks of the different eggs you buy. Darker color generally translates to more nutrients.