Quit Eating Forks

Hi I’m Kathryn. I am a food navigator. I believe our bodies were designed to eat actual food. I help you sort out what is actual food vs. food-like products. Would you eat a plastic fork? What do you think that would do to your insides? How about just one tine of a plastic fork? I’m betting you have eaten the plastic equivalent of one. Me too. The “trace amounts” of plastic and all sorts of other chemicals allowed by the FDA are in everything. Like pretty much everything packaged at the store, and in restaurants. Now imagine everything over half a century. That adds up. Ooooh definitely one of the reasons I named my business Add Up Health 😉

The plastics have all sorts of sneaky names. They are not called apples or potatoes or rice or spinach or chicken or beef or beans though. The sneaky names are usually difficult to pronounce or things you just don’t know yet. I am here to enlighten you and support you in taking steps to eliminate this gunk from your diet. Besides eating real food I want you to get real. Sit back and take a look at the health and vitality of humans today. Our health and vitality is getting worse and worse. 

“Healthcare” is spiraling up and up and we even have our nightly news funded by big pharma. We get lots of pills and take lots of tests but it is not helping. We are building more and more health facilities to house us as we are getting sicker and sicker. It is time for you to take your health into your own hands. Let’s start by going back to the basics and eating real food. I can help.