How many times have you been a loved one watching, or yourself tangled up, in the medical vortex of hell? My first such experience randomly came to mind while I was walking the dog the other morning. I had tears in my eyes as I remembered the torture that a dear uncle underwent. Sadly, I also stood by and watched this happen to my mother-in-law, and then my own father. By the time it happened to my father I had begun to understand that:
a) The multitude of doctors were not communicating with each other.
b) Using one medication to tame a symptom was indeed inducing another symptom (and so on ad nauseam).
c) No one had the backbone to actually explain to him that all of this was not going to help in the long run – it was just extending his life for another couple gruesome days or weeks.
I advocated as strongly as I could during this time, but basically had no control of the vortex he was in. To say it was tragic was an understatement.
Multitudes of people undergo episodes like this and thankfully it is not the end of their life. What I want to know is why are most of us accepting and even normalizing such treatment? It does not need to be like this and it did not used to be like this. Do you hear me? Advancements in science and technology have indeed saved many lives but the system is tragically broken.
We should all be furious. Let me say right here that it is not normal, necessary, or ethical for us to subject our loved ones to such barbaric episodes. And I will also say that a great majority of it can be avoided. Big pharma (who f-ing funds our nightly news) and the medical establishment have no incentive to tell us the truth that there is a way to grow old gracefully and strong. I am here to help you see that there is an alternative. I am here to give you hope and practical tools. Many people experience mini-episodes akin to this in their everyday life because of their reliance on pharmaceutical drugs. Polypharmacy is when we use multiple drugs, for one condition or many conditions. It never ends well. It. never. ends. well. The drugs just keep putting band-aids on the underlying problem. Imagine a life without doctor visits and trips to the pharmacy. Completely can be done. You have agency over your body. I want you to start believing this.
Did you know that 95% of what is ailing us these days is connected to, and therefore can be controlled by improving our metabolic health? What you eat determines how you feel and if you are chronically sick. Did you know that this is not widely studied? Something as basic (yet complex and amazing) as food as a healing agent is not being studied or broadcast, except by a few groundbreaking, persistent researchers. Why is this? Follow the money. Big pharma and the medical establishment are paying for the studies that will make them the most profit. Period. If you think they have our best interest in mind please take a look around. I see us becoming sicker and sicker. I see more and more drugs, testing, and medical facilities. I do not see improved health and vitality. Check out these groundbreaking researchers and find some podcasts they have been on – they will blow your mind! Dr. Terry Wahls, Dr. Chris Palmer.
There are many chemicals infiltrating our lives these days in so many ways. My passion is to help you focus on food. Getting the chemicals out and the nutrients in the food you ingest will make a dramatic, noticeable impact on your health. It can help you lessen or even eliminate your reliance on drugs. I support individuals and families so they do not have to ever witness or endure the hellacious episodes I described above. One step at a time. ♡