
My loved ones and sometimes even my coworkers are often subjected to me telling them I think they are dehydrated.😥

Usually after they tell me they have a headache they now say “oh yeah, it might be because I am dehydrated”. I see it most often in the lips. Dry and flaky. How are yours right now? You could also try the pinch test on yourself. On your face or your hands (or anywhere easy to reach) gently pinch together a bit of skin. Does it bounce back or stay squished? We want it to bounce back.

I know, it’s easy to forget. Especially when we are busy. Last fall I was sooooo tired one day until I finally realized it might be because I was dehydrated. 💧I guzzled a bunch of water and in a couple of hours the difference was miraculous. 

One of the most effective and easiest things you can do for your health is to drink water first thing every morning. How much? That is going to depend on you.* A big glass. And then a bit more. Try it for a week and make it a regular habit. 

Water is the conduit for our cells to communicate with each other. Having enough ensures all of our organs and bodily processes are able to communicate with each other. Not to mention it helps flush us out. Anywhere we excrete moisture we need water to do it. Be kind to your body and make it easier to do it’s job.

Here is a cool site I found to help you find water at it’s finest: findaspring.com

*The amount of water you need is going to depend on many factors, including how much you perspire based on where you live and how active you are. Start with 20-30 ounces first thing in the morning. For your entire day’s water needs a rule of thumb is to take your body weight divided by 2, then switch from pounds to ounces. Example: if you weigh 180 pounds divide it by 2 to get 90. Aim for 90 ounces of water per day.