Where to shop for groceries?

Notice. Notice and wonder (shoutout to my mtBos peeps here).

Look at the people walking around you. Are they full of vim and vigor? Or are they slow and shuffling? Do they have pallor? Or are they rosy and glowing? This is not an accident folks. This is based on what they fuel their bodies with. Which category do you want to be in seven years from now? (The average age of all our cells is about seven years). What you do now to your body will manifest itself in seven years. How do you want to look and feel? Do you want to be alive or sickly? 

I heard someone once mention the zombie apocalypse was just the majority of Americans who are sick and bumbling along. Sadly that visual doesn’t seem far off.

Now let’s get more specific and look at the people who shop at different grocery stores. The contrast will probably be more noticeable for those of us who live in small towns. Compare the conventional stores to the organic coops. Of course this is not a scientific study. And of course people can look fit and athletic but be metabolically unhealthy. Comparing these two populations is pretty eye-opening though. The contrast in vitality is especially noticeable with our aging population because of the accumulation of toxins in the body over decades. I also want you to pay attention to the increase in the number of health facilities near you. Not a coincidence. They are not helping. We have to help ourselves. 

This is where I often hear an argument that eating actual food costs too much. I hear you. Especially lately. And I am also going to challenge you to consider how much you spend on prescription meds and trips to the doctor. I am also going to remind you that procuring and preparing food was only lately in this era advertised to be something that should be fast and easy. All of this fast, easy food is making us sick and tired. It starts with you. You have the power to decide to prioritize meals (and health) in your family. Enough excuses.